Tax news and finance law: what's at stake for your 2019 closing?
On Tuesday, January 7, 2020, Saint-Honoré Partners will host a conference on tax news, the Finance Act and issues for the 2019 closing.
During the conference, the following topics will be discussed:
- The main novelties of the finance law,
- Opportunities for the 2019 financial statements, through an analysis of current case law,
- The perspectives and trends of taxation in France.
The speaker: Denis Van Strien, partner of Saint-Honoré Partenaires, chartered accountant, auditor, DESS in Tax Law, is the head of the technical tax unit of Saint-Honoré Partenaires.
He is also a director and lecturer of the Tax Club of the Conseil supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables, a lecturer in tax law at the University of Burgundy and a legal expert at the Court of Appeal of Paris.
Please confirm your participation before January 3, 2020 with Alexandra Darmon at 01 56 69 39 93, or by mail :