Get in compliance


Starting in 2019, companies will be required to report all leased assets on their IFRS balance sheets. The new IFRS 16 accounting standard will have a significant impact on the main financial aggregates but also on the management information systems for these contracts.

Cabinet Saint-Honoré Partenaires has developed the blimp360 software for this purpose.

Blimp360 is a dynamic lease management solution natively designed to be IFRS16 compliant.

Blimp360 offers the necessary features to comply with this standard.

Some of the features of blimp360:

  • Multidimensional, multi-entity and multicurrency management of contracts: legal, accounting and operational
  • Reliable valuation of rental assets and liabilities
  • Management of re-estimates and revaluations for each reporting period
  • Automatic generation and simulation of impacts on financial statements and accounting entries

To learn more, visit the blimp360